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Witches' Brew: SATC Wants Y-O-U!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SATC Wants Y-O-U!

The producers of the Sex and the City movie sequel are looking for a few good women to round out the cast. Next Tuesday, August 4th, the Grant Wilfley Casting company is holding an open call at New York City's Metropolitan Pavilion for "models, celebrity types, upscale socialites, urban club-goers, gays & lesbians, 'xotic types (you know, Middle Easterners, Arabs, Asians, etc…) and professional soccer players (random)."

"Sex and the City 2" is not yet in production but it's rumored to begin filming in early Fall.

Well, I can't do much for the soccer player or the upscale socialite types, but I can get down as a club-goer (it's practically my part time job anyway)… and hell, maybe, I could pass for the lesbian. I'm just sayin'... the chicks dig me (I don't dig back though).

Watchout'dernow, Carrie!

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At Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 2:52:00 AM EDT , Blogger MK said...

Wait a minute a SATC 2? I just watched this (I know Im late as hell) today and I gotta ask is it even necessary? I thought it wrapped up nicely. Hell I even thought J-Hud was a nice little addition to the movie.


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