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Witches' Brew: Will You Watch?: Naomi Campbell on Oprah

Friday, April 30, 2010

Will You Watch?: Naomi Campbell on Oprah

Oprah is on a roll these days… first Todd Bridges, then John Edwards’ mistress and now this. Supermodel phone thrower Naomi Campbell will sit down with Oprah on Monday to talk about her life, her love and her diva antics.

Naomi even signs Oprah’s “no phone zone” pledge… and she agrees not to toss her cell phone at people’s heads anymore.

The interview airs Monday, May 3rd.

So, will you watch?

Taste The Brew for a clip.

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At Friday, April 30, 2010 at 7:49:00 PM EDT , Blogger Reggie said...

What I want to see is the day when Naomi fucks with the wrong person and gets that tall lanky ass of hers beaten like chopped meat.

At Friday, April 30, 2010 at 9:06:00 PM EDT , Blogger BreeIAm said...

I want to take her ON! I think I can win.


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