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Witches' Brew: And Since We're Talking About Grooming: Sh!t That Pisses a B off...The Wednesday Edition

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And Since We're Talking About Grooming: Sh!t That Pisses a B off...The Wednesday Edition

Dear Makeup Applying Bitch on my Daily Commute (yes that is really her):

If I have to watch you prime and Spackle that old wrinkly face ONE more day- I swear to White Jesus and all the Bi-racial Apostles, and Mexican Angels....I will slap you. I want to know how EVERRY morning your tacky ass is running so late, that you have to perform your grooming ritual EN ROUTE!? Get up 10 minutes's a novel idea- WAIT TIL You get to the office.

You have no idea how close you are to a beat down. For my freedom...please, I implore you: GROOM AT HOME!

Note: To this heffa who is grooming her child on the bus, while wearing a head scarf- like they are at home... I hate you.

Say it with me people:


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