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Witches' Brew: Whew!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Explain to me how I'm up at 5:00 am this morning, I go for my morning run, come back and just lounge around, stare at myself repeatedly in the mirror (it's a sickness I have), painted my nails, packed my lunch, practiced some dance moves, tried on some outfits, I mean basically just doing a bunch of nonsense. I finally leave the house and as soon as I get in my car and drive off, BAM! the urge to take a dump overtakes me but now I'm just about to get on the highway so there's no turning back. I mean all that foolishness I was doing this morning and you think my bowels woulda set off while I was doing nothing but now here I am driving to work squeezing my damn butt cheeks together Image. Man I can't catch a break.

There is nothing worse than having to take a dump while in transit, you hear me? NOTHING!!!

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At Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 4:03:00 PM EDT , Blogger Jem said...

Happens to me all de time!
Dr. Oz (you know I watch me some Oprah) says it's called the "Circadian rhythm." That's why we tend to poop at the same time each day. Unless, of course, you've eaten some Glory greens.

At Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 10:28:00 AM EDT , Blogger Unknown said...

lol it happens to us all


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