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Witches' Brew: The "Staying for the Kids" Game, Who Really Wins?

Monday, April 13, 2009

The "Staying for the Kids" Game, Who Really Wins?

I know sooo many people who claim to stay in bad relationships for the kids. I'm not a parent so I can't make a call on this but it certainly perplexes me. Stay in an unhealthy relationship where you are definitively unhappy for the sake of the kids?? really? Where is it written that one must die on the inside for the betterment of a another? Even if it is your flesh and blood, I don't get that concept at all. Life is way too short for that bullshat but I digress.

I watch "The Game" and though I might be the only one who does, I happen to think it's a great show, or rather it has developed into a great show. It touches upon this issue of being a "martyr" for someone else thing with the Derwin/Janay storyline and how he clearly loves Mel but is choosing to be with Janay cause she's preggers. In an ideal world we would all want to stay with the men and women who we make babies with or marry for that matter but we all know this is not an ideal world. It would personally pain me as an adult if I learned my mom stayed with my dad "for me" and lived in a miserable existance "for me". Fortuantely my mom was selfish enough (sometimes being selfish is a good thing) to get us the hell outta there as my dad was not the person he originally presented himself to be. It woulda been awesome to grow up with both my parents in the same home, totally awesome, but at the expense of either of them rotting on the inside? I think not. As I said, I just don't get that mentality.

If you are a game watcher and missed the most recent episode, see below......



At Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 10:10:00 AM EDT , Blogger Unknown said...

A close friend always says "dont make yourself miserable to make someone else happy"

another says "when you give your life up for someone else, they have 2 and you have none"

I feel you on this one. How can kids be happy when they momma/daddy not

At Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 4:11:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love those 2 statements, very true....


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