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Witches' Brew: Damn You Tyler Perry!!!!...... "I Can Do Bad All By Myself"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Damn You Tyler Perry!!!!...... "I Can Do Bad All By Myself"

Madea your ass is grass!!! How you gon put Adam Rodriguez and Brian White in "I Can Do Bad All By Myself"????

Now I gotta go see this shit! I owe it to my loins for goodness sake!!!

DAMN YOU MADEA!!!!!!!!!!!

Official Trailer.....

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At Tuesday, July 21, 2009 at 11:31:00 PM EDT , Blogger BreeIAm said...

Run Adam, Ty Ty Perry gone get your in your no no spot!

At Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 12:19:00 AM EDT , Blogger Brooke said...


Well, we can go together, cuz dayuummm!

Seriously tho, I think I wanna check it out, thanks for posting.

At Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 10:05:00 AM EDT , Anonymous SUpreme said...

Adam Rodriguez is yet ANOTHER case of a guy who "all of a sudden" is a "hottie".

I used to mess with a relative of his, and met him through her. He was already on CSI, and garnered no attention. Suddenly, in the past year's time, he's a sex symbol?

I will never understand women and who they decide is attractive...cuz men see a female from the jump and identify her as attractive - not wait until her celebrity profile grows...

And OBVIOUSLY, this doesn't apply to ALL women. Just an observation...

Y'all can let me know how the flick was - not a Taraji Henson fan AT ALL.

At Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 10:50:00 AM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok now you're mad at WHEN women decide to swim fan a dude? lol For the record, Adam Rodriquez was fine then- and is fine now...he is fine in a car, he is fine in a bar, he can get it on a boat, he can get it on a Thanksgiving Day Float!

Bree (not wanting to log back in)

At Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 11:01:00 AM EDT , Blogger Witches Brew said...

Wow supreme, I'm beginning to wonder how you find any joy at all in life, you take issue with any and everything...... women are ass backwards for not recognizing the beauty of Adam when he was a fetus???? hmmmm, well alrighty then!

At Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 3:44:00 PM EDT , Anonymous SUpreme said...

No, it's not that Witches Brew. I blame SOME women for a trend - a guy can be on TV, and as a man, I will hear no one refer to him as a sex symbol. But as the series/movie/project grows, this same guy goes from no one noticing to all of a sudden being a sex symbol!

Having known this guy, this was even HIS OPINION. And I've seen it with many celeb men. My point is - I saw Strictly Business and new from the jump that Halle Berry was finer than any woman in entertainment at the time. It didn't take me to wait until X-Men or Swordfish to recognize that.

There are many women in this world who won't notice how attractive a man is until he rises up a social ladder. And, being in the business I work in - I can tell you a lot of these men realize this full well, and it effects why they may treat women the way they do.

As far as whether I find joy in life - you're funny. You have a blog that illicits opinions, yet you don't like that my opinion may be one that is not held by you or others? So that brings into question the joy I experience?

LMAO. Think as you may. Those who know me would laugh at that comment as well.

At Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 5:22:00 PM EDT , Blogger Cruz said...

Supreme, the "Witchesbrew" comment was from me..... my laziness would not allow me to log out.

I understand better now what you meant but at the same time it's hard to appreciate someone when you don't even know they exist, guess that was my point.....

At Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 9:31:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW he went hard on this movie....I love Tyler Perry so no matter who's in it i'd be there supporting him.


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