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Witches' Brew: Brew Bits: Fiddy Diagnosed With " Fat Joe Wacktose Intolerance"

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brew Bits: Fiddy Diagnosed With " Fat Joe Wacktose Intolerance"

*(Wacktose Intolerance is a lil fav of mine I got from Rhymefest hee hee!)*

So yeah anyways, apparently the innawebs were all abuzz yesterday that Fiddy was rushed to the hospital, here's the rundown:

This afternoon while in his Manhattan offices, employees say that 50 Cent was listening to Fat Joe’s new album, “J.O.S.E. 2″ when all the sudden, he collapsed! An ambulance was called, and by the time they arrived, 50 Cent regained consciousness and was complaining of blurred vision and a severe migraine. 50 Cent was rushed to Mt. Sinai hospital at 4:26 pm.

Doctors say after performing a Cat Scan and EKG there seems to be some damage to his auditory cortex, which is the region of the brain that is responsible for processing sound.

LOL! Fiddy is truly something else..... when he has a grudge there is no letting go, not now, not ever!

Joe's gangsta twitter response was:

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At Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 5:38:00 AM EDT , Blogger XIRUS said...

Fat Joe's music to Fiddy is like japanese kids watching cartoons. this SH*T will give you a seizure!


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