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Witches' Brew: Brew Commentary: Rich Today, Cash4Gold Tomorrow

Monday, February 22, 2010

Brew Commentary: Rich Today, Cash4Gold Tomorrow

This “I’m rich and let me show you just how many idiotic ways I can wear diamonds” shizz is getting out of hand. From Big Ass Chains to diamond-encrusted teeth, we are really showing how ignorant we can be when you stuff a few pesos in our bank accounts. In the latest news from the “They Shoulda Never Gave You Ninjas Money” file, Boston Celtics guard Marquis Daniels had a diamond pendant made in his own likeness… and by that I mean, a chocolate shrunken head with dreads and shit for brains.

I wish Suze Orman would rip these fools a new one. I can think of a million better ways to spend money: Haiti, inner-city youth programs, investments, real estate, YO MOMMA!, hell, ME! I take PayPal.


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