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Witches' Brew: The Healing Power of "Delete"......

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Healing Power of "Delete"......

Stress is such an ugly word, just saying the word itself makes you tense up, it's like a reflex reaction or something. Think of all the things in life that can potentially stress us out, men/women, ailing health, your career, your children, finances, that loose tooth in the front that you know you need to get fixed, the 6th toe you want removed but your health insurance won't cover. I mean it gets real in field and sometimes we just feel like completely giving up but somehow we pull ourselves together and do like Aaliyah and "dust ourselves off and try again" But the devil is like 7-11, he stays open 24/7 so of course, as soon as you start rebuilding here comes some schmo looking to drag you down into the pits of hell because they are full of misery and nonsense. But aha! suddenly we gain a hold of our senses and remember that wonderful thing called 'choice'. Choice is a 'helluva drug" when utilized efficiently. For the stress we don't see coming, the best we can do is pray and persevere through it, but let's face it, a lot of times we welcome that mofo in and offer the bitch a sandwich and grape kool-aid (my personal fav). Well I say do yourself a favor and make the choice to stop that mess..... today!

Delete...... yes simply delete. I did it this past weekend. I deleted every annoying ass, good for nothing, stress inducing human being I know. Whether they have a peen or poon (or possibly both cause for some I can't call it), didn't matter, I went on a delete frenzy, from my cell phone, to my email, to anything I had in my home that was theirs or reminded me of them. Delete! I felt lighter than I do after a deluxe colonic at the shit spa! it was wonderful! But I tell you the best part was the text messages and calls that came later and me being able to say "um who is this?" Most people will be so offended by that alone that they go away quietly minus the big Broadway production. I used to love drama when I was younger but in my old age I seek peace and I come in peace.....

So treat yourself to a mind colonic.......


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At Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 12:28:00 PM EDT , Blogger LoudPen said...

I know the power of the delete is my best friend. I always do periodical cell phone delete because I don't talk to certain people anymore and I don't want to. Therefore, are you sure you want to delete? Yes!

Oh, and if you delete a number don't re-save it cuz there's a reason you deleted it the first time.

At Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 12:47:00 PM EDT , Blogger DC Debutante said...

It's nothing greater than being at peace! You are so right. We make a choice everyday. I dont entertain nonsense anymore. All I want to do is eat, drink and be merry. :-)


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