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Witches' Brew: Brew News: Chris Brown Sentenced

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Brew News: Chris Brown Sentenced

Chris Brown will do 5 years of probation and do more than 14,000 hours of service for beating Rihanna. The singer was sentenced today and received a stern warning from the judge: Brown is to stay 50 yards away from Rih Rih (10 yards if the two are at the same industry event) for the next FIVE years (yes, that's until 2014).

Certainly, this poses a problem for the pair who have reportedly been sneaking away to spend time together.

Judge Patricia Schnegg also told Brown that she wants him to do actual physical labor, not just community service. He also must attend domestic violence counseling.

If Rihanna wants the restraining order lifted, she has to appear in court and make the request.

Rihanna was not at today's sentencing.

So, will Chris Brown ever be able to make a comeback?

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