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Witches' Brew: Ask A DudeĀ©: The Facebook Playa...From The Him-a-lay-as...(Jerome shoutout)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ask A DudeĀ©: The Facebook Playa...From The Him-a-lay-as...(Jerome shoutout)

Brew Chick Asks:
Say you and some guy have been talking for several months. Nothing exclusive but things are cool. He frequently visits another city where he just moved from and has been very open about everything. Says he doesn't have a girlfriend just friends BUT you see a post on his FB wall where a girl refers to him as "sweetie".

Do you ask him about it?

GROSS DUDE: That means absolutely nothing*... Just a term of endearment.. I would think something is wrong with the woman that questions if another refers to me as sweetie... Don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever go there. (*Ladies remember that the next time some dude murmurs sweet crazies in your ear!)

SUPREME: I say no. You might come across as insecure and invasive. If this same woman has other posts that make use of amorous language, then you might question it at a later time. But I have female friends who may say "sweetie" or throw a harmless flirtatious comment out there at times, and it means nothing. Many times, they're just trying to make me smile. Stop Falking him (Facebook stalking) and just ask him anything you know from the jump. If he never gives you reason to be suspicious, don't invent a reason. I've personally cut back women who seem to be looking for lies and/or drama when there is none there. I figure that's their mistrust and insecurity - I don't have to put up with it. I don't want to be held at fault for what previous cats may have done (musiq soulchild reference, y'all).

ASK A CASH: If you want to keep him, you don't. I mean, she DID say it wasn't "exclusive". So what's the raised eyebrow for? Geez...I can see now how this Facebook thing gets outta hand. How is he "very open about everything", yet you feel suspicious? Which one is it? Which one do you believe? If you want to be exclusive, then here's my advice on that: Say it! But if you're content being in the current status and all of your voids are being fulfilled, then don't bother anyone with something as petty as your interpretation of the word "sweetie". Maybe he's sleeping with her with the understanding that they're "just friends" and not "exclusive". But guess what? He's doing the same to you too. If you want to be exclusive, then say that to him and keep it between you and him, leaving anything you've "seen" from other women as if it didn't happen because, as far as he's concerned, everything is fair game right now.


The answer to that question depends on how he interacts with women on the regular. If it's a regular thing, then there's nothing to fear. If it's completely out of character, then maybe there's something to think about. Some people are just verbally affectionate.

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