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Wednesday, July 15, 2009


FUGG IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Yea, you read me right. What the hell is your exact problem? I tell you, there is not much that pisses me off more than ‘DUMB ASS COLORED MOVES’.

Whoosahhh ...maybe I need to cool off and start from the beginning.

So, the economy is in the shitter right? And companies are looking for any reason to lay off dead weight. For instance, In my office the nasty acting obese woman who wears Christmas sweaters and too tight pure poly pants with elastic waistband-- (how are your pants too tight but have a stretchy waist band, that’s like some kind of scientific anomaly! Your girth is defying space aged polymers and 'ish!) and the broad who prided herself on not being available to clients, "Until she felt like it!" (who also proudly enjoyed long afternoon mani/pedis) were the first causalities. Coincidence? I think not. Kudos to you for avoiding (thus far) 3 rounds of these ‘economy driven’ layoffs!

So, I've gotta ask: Were you celebrating your luck when you neglected to show up to the office for TWO DAYS, of which you did not let anyone know, and no one able to contact you? Seriously? And your excuse was... wait for it. ‘I needed some ME time!’ well blow me the eff down.

I have to say, getting nasty with your manager (a partner in the firm- might I add), that was some inspirational 'ish, right there. Like the Negros say...that takes mad 'swagger'! The best part, you can now revel in all ' me time' the world has to offer, baby! KUMUTHAFUGGINDOS!

But let me tell you why I’m mad son! So, now that I’m the last negro standing, and you've left me in here holding the 'colored bag', (as YT quietly takes bets on when I'll make my DUMB ASS COLORED MOVE) you give me a call and merrily ask me for a REFERENCE?


*Brew note: I must stress that, I work in corporate America, not at the DMV, where this tom-shennanigry would be embraced, nay celebrated.

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At Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 3:22:00 PM EDT , Anonymous CommonSenseC said...

Breath! Chant with me "Num Yo Ho Rang Que Quo" -smiles-


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