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Witches' Brew: One Night Only

Monday, April 20, 2009

One Night Only

The J-Hud-Robin Thicke tour bus rolled into Atlanta Thursday and surprise, surprise, looky who came out. Jennifer Holliday! The 2 divas blew the roof off the classic “And I Am Telling You.”

But Jenny Hud…why do you wear the same outfit at every show? Spice it up a bit. Dig in the Wig Crypt and get some of those Thierry Mugler get ups, please. The leggings and tunic are cute, but we’ve seen them in every re-cap of your show.

Anyway, peep the scream fest for yourself… (is Holliday gargling at the 4:00 minute mark)?

And note to the dude in the background recording this thing: if you’re going to do us the favor of posting video, please don’t add your own “Oh my God” soundtrack.

Is this a case of Big Luther vs. Little Luther? I kinda liked Holliday when she had meat on her?

Is that a baby bump on J-Hud?

Why am I asking so many questions? Just watch the video...

And if you care about the song with Plantation, here’s video of that too!

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