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Witches' Brew: Ask A Dude Roundtable: Delusions of Grandeur Much!?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ask A Dude Roundtable: Delusions of Grandeur Much!?

(Wonder if she's sending Poont Pixels)
Your favorite Witches hosted a cyber sit down with several of the opinionated (right or wrong) fellas in our cipher and grilled them to the white meat. We're hoping these discussions can start a dialogue (In the comments section please), and foster a greater understanding between the genders. Now that you have met our dudes... let's chop it up!

Brew Q:

Double Standards: Why do men go postal on a woman if she cheats on him but if he cheats on her it’s OK and will beg for her forgiveness?

Big In Europe: First of all, cheating is NEVER right. But, as a man, let me see if I can rationalize this phenomena. Men can bathe and wash a woman off him. Women have 2 douche to do the same. Men can't get preggers. Women can. Men cheat because we are men and its nature to conquer as much pousassay, as possible, before death. Enough playing here's the real reason: Most men don't attach emotion to sex. Women do. (Theoretically, a woman can fuck someone else, fall in love and leave the person they cheated on for "something better" men most likely will never do that.)

SUpreme: I don’t know. I don’t cheat. But to offer one possible answer – cuz this is a male-dominated society, and women have long played the roles of having to accept infidelity as opposed to men having to do so. (BREW NOTE: DING DING DING! SUpreme just hit you with the heee) I will say this – because a woman’s na na is internal, NO MAN wants to think of a woman having another man INSIDE her. It’s very psychological, for both men and women. But a man – well, we extend, and probe. A woman doesn’t infiltrate us, so to speak. (Brew Note: Well now actually... sometimes, the fellas ask for that, hey who am I to judge?)

Ask A Cash: Because of our “ego” we can’t picture another name hittin' that, no matter what! The thought of it sends us over the wall. We start questioning our performance and it fucks up our psyche (what I’m sharing with you is powerful! Please don’t use it as a weapon). We start thinking if he was bigger, did he last longer, did he do oral better, did she orgasm with him and how many times…All types of “macho” shit that we just can’t take. Plus, we know that sex for women is more emotional, and for men it’s more of just a physical act. So if his girl gives her body, we question if her heart and mind are with that dude too, ESPECIALLY if the questions (see above) all work in his favor.

Rev Real: Simple…male ego. Women expect men to cheat, guys expect women to be faithful. Men that get lots are women are heralded; women that get lots of men are considered hoes; yes, there is a double standard. It’s as much about gender socialization as it is about what’s taboo. Most women don’t date multiple guys because they were raised to think that’s wrong, not because they don’t want to. Guys are expected to sow their oats and keep their main woman satisfied. Most can’t handle to possibility of her stepping out because it means he wasn’t doing his job. However, that changes when you get older. Once you hit 35 and you’re married, it changes though. You’re like “Did he do some new tricks? ‘Cause it’s a little late in the game to be changing the playbook. Just make sure he’s gone before I get home…and my dinner is ready!” I’m too old to get jealous and too young to go to jail. I ain’t trying to be the next Adibezi.
(Brew Note: All jokes aside, Rev Real is a pretty mutha jumpa, he’d be someone’s prison bitznitch in 2.2 second flat! Real talk, as the people say!)
Mr. Crab: I'm the exception. If I catch you cheating and I'm cheating, I can't say shit. We have to hash it out, cut the side folks off, and come out as a more fortified unit. Oh, and we have to talk about how the sex was with the other folks. (Brew Note: Mr. Crab is a freak..)
So what say you ladies?
Do you think we should continue to let men think that we fall in love at the instant their peens hit our lady spots?
Or should we stop accepting their douchy behavior as "that's just a man's way" and make them accountable for their actions?

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