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Witches' Brew: An APB for Neneh Cherry....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

An APB for Neneh Cherry....

Dear Neneh,

Where the heck have you been??? Your Buffalo Stance used to be my JAM. I was a wee girl of 10 or 11 and me and my girls used to get it poppin....

I heard that you were back in England raising your girls Naima, Tyson and Mabel. In fact, Tyson is who you were gyrating to on Top of the Pops and the world looked at you like you were the the long haired chick from Soul Train. Then you disappeared...

I have been looking and looking for you...and all of a sudden you appeared on VH1's One Hit Wonders and I learned you were a bi-sexual and released an album back in 1997 called Man. I also found out that you are GRANDMOTHER now. Teen pregnancy got you for a loop when Naima gave birth at age 19. Your brother Eagle Eye is missing in action too, but we'll look for him another day.

But just keep gyrating and doing whatever it is you do best....across the pond!!


A long lost fan

PS. BOOOOOOOOOOOO to whomever you are paying so we can't embed the video. What kind of crap is that? Seriously, you have no record deal or no one to pay. You NEED to be letting someone embed your videos.

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