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Witches' Brew: Gays Pissed At Prez

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gays Pissed At Prez

Gay rights groups are calling on President Obama to man-up. They say his decision to grant limited benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees is a nice gesture but not quite enough.

The president’s decision won’t give the couples health or retirement benefits. Obama’s critics say he’s not fully committed to the gay and lesbian cause.

Obama is reportedly a supporter of giving same-sex couples full health benefits but he knows that’s going to take an actual “act” of Congress to make happen.

So, is his latest measure simply putting a band-aid on the problem?

Critics want the president to end the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy as well. They’d hoped it would happen as quickly as his announcement of his plans to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. But so far… *crickets chirping.*

So, what’s your call? Is President Obama doing enough to give gays and lesbians full civil rights? Or, should this issue take a backseat to the other fires he’s putting out?

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