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Witches' Brew: Is Dating Dead?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Is Dating Dead?

Remember when boys used to pinch and elbow you in class to show they liked you? That led to them making you check 'yes' or 'no' to profess your love (or, your dislike) for them. If you played your cards right, the next step was something my aunties always referred to as courting. That's some ancient process where the guy rolls out the red carpet for your affection.

I think the art of courting died somewhere circa 1950-ish. These days, you're lucky if you get a Can I come over? text, or a What you doin' tonight? e-mail. And don't hold your breath for him providing you with a meal because he's coming over to your house to eat the food you bought and cooked in your kitchen.

So I ask, what happened to dating? Does anyone go on actual Would you like to go to dinner with me on Friday at 8 at Chez Whitey? dates anymore? Is dating dead or are men just cheap? Or, maybe women are giving the goods away without the need for the dates? Perhaps since courting died, no one really knows HOW to date anymore.

Not to toot my own stuff, but I think I'm well-worthy of being asked out, putting on some nice duds, being driven in your car (on your gas dime) and taken some place decent (it doesn't have to be Le Cirque but it can't be In & Out burger either) for a meal that comes with no strings attached. Unless, of course, a sista wants some after-dinner strings... hey, we all have needs & I don't judge.

In return for these dates, I will provide you with my undivided attention, my witty banter, my blinging smile (no, I don't have diamonds in my teeth) and, perhaps, some of the good softlip when the date is over (the lips on my FACE... get your mind out of the gutter!).

Now, you don't have to take me out three times a week (I do have other things going on). And I'm well aware there's a recession going on. But it would be nice to get a weekly offer to do SOMETHING (dinner, movie, ice skating, concert, museum trip, walk in the park, go karting, kumbaya-singing... something that brings us closer together)! These are all things we women ultimately wind up doing with our girlfriends. Some of my best 'dates' have been with my crew. Damn shame my girls love me better than any man ever has.

Women shouldn't have to beg for a man's time and likewise, we shouldn't have to plan everything either. It wouldn't kill you to shave, put on some real pants and take us out. Man up and take charge... we like that, no matter how independent we are or may seem.

I'm tired of dating myself, dammit!!!

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At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 10:39:00 AM EDT , Blogger MK said...

"Damn shame my girls love me better than any man ever has."

lol, wow so true. I had a friend once who thought I would make some girl a nice boyfriend if I ever jumped lanes. But it's true that we do get better treatment from our friends, probably because we wanted to be treated the same way and girls get that. Oh well. I am still hoping courting makes a comeback, but I doubt it will

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 11:30:00 AM EDT , Blogger Cocoprissy said...

It is a shame that men have no idea how to court or date a woman these days. I blame it on the fact that many of them don't have decent role models in the home or their lives (read as: no daddy). It leaves those of us who would like to date little more than to sit on our couch and watch TV with these busters...not that I'm bitter or anything.

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 12:33:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm bitter and I'm going to blame it on the sisters that accept ANYTHING!!! You know who I am talking about. The ones that are so pressed to have a man that they will accept that "can I come over? text, or a What you doin' tonight? e-mail" as meaningful communication. And they are the same ones that are willing to date another woman's man because either their self-esteem is in the gutter and they don't think they deserve better or they are selfish freaks that only care about themselves.

I did preface that tirade by saying that I'm aware that I'm bitter, right? LOL. To thine own self be true....LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 1:04:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had some great dates! Pick me up at 7... reservations... walk afta. Sweet. Rare but very sweet.

For all othas: Sometimes you just gotta lay down the law! Tell him what you want. Now if he is too daft to get it or too pompous to do it... well I didn't want to date his hoe-trollin ass anyway!

Courted -- once.

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 1:54:00 PM EDT , Blogger BreeIAm said...

Exactly what Anonymous said. Cept.. yes, there are totally guys who will take you on fabulous dates. You just have to avoid the land mine of lames who want to cook you dinner (at your house..with YOUR food!)

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 2:39:00 PM EDT , Blogger A.Smith said...

Anonymous @12:33 said what I was thinking. I need women to universally raise their standards... cause I know if I was a dude, I wouldn't do a damn thing I didn't have to. So on the one hand, I blame the men for being lazy I also blame us women for not demanding more. Somewhere we got to feeling like that made us bitches.

Oh... wait... probably after we got called bitches by the general rap and hip hop community, but I won't step on THAT soapbox today.

"Damn shame my girls love me better than any man ever has." AGREED. My BFF who's male has too. He'll take me out just because. Don't ask me why we can't be more than friends, I've thought heavily about it and it just don't fit. Damn the world!

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 3:02:00 PM EDT , Blogger Jem said...

Well, A.Smith, can I have your BFF then?
I mean, you're not using him.
Times is tough!
LOL :-)

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 3:03:00 PM EDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this lady has so many demands- hell she should date multiple people and consider dating DOMinant women. Men have fallen off and its mostly due to their lack of refinement and whores who make it easy for them. There will never be an end to this, for it has always been around... it is just more evident now. I say to the lady...keep going out w your girls if you'd like and you'll probably end up like most Black Women: Old, Tired, Overworked and without a Companion. Lighten up on the demands and consider dating other races! I find Caucasian men to be better than Black men as far as dating is concerned! Heck, women have even been better to me! That is why I say see ya later for BM's (no pun intended). ;)

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 3:14:00 PM EDT , Blogger Jem said...

So, dating women and white men is the alternative to searching for a good Black man? Nothing against white men (I do find some of them very attractive), but I think I'll pass. There's just SOMETHING about a brotha that can't be replaced or replicated.

At Friday, May 29, 2009 at 4:40:00 PM EDT , Blogger A.Smith said...

@The Madd Rapper -- (sigh) he's been flying a former roommate of mine out to "see" him. He was trying to hide it from me, but he got snitched on. Anyway, based on how I responded to that, let me sit with it for a while, ok? He ain't the one, but we can pretend, right? LOL.

@Anonymous 3:03; one of my friends stays on being open to dating women. I can't... for NUMEROUS reasons. Chief among them being sometimes I say to myself "I don't know how straight men and lesbians put up with this bullshit..."

I did have the passing thought as I was responding at first that my experience with white men has been noticeably different. Just watching them I see the way they date has changed, too, but they still take you out.

In my heart, though, I want that Barack/Michelle... and I don't want to have to play a lot of games and jump through a lot of hoops to get it, either. Hell...


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